
editorial board

The Italian Labour Law e-journal context of interest is tendentially coincident with the one of the site Italian Labour Law On-line, in which it is included: Italian Labour Law, in its traditional meanings (trade unions law, individual contract of employment law, social security systems, in their national and european dimension), and International and/or Comparative Labour Law.
The e-journal purpose is to become a specialist academic review, published exclusively on the web and realized for scientific-professional aims. In consideration of the e-journal transnational dimension, every collaboration of foreign colleagues, as articles or essays written in their language, is welcome. Essays should preferably be written in the most common languages within the scientific Community: italian, english, french, german and spanish. Since the journal key-language is english, an abstract of every essay or comment is always provided in this language. The journal is published only on the Net and is entirely freely consultable; it is organized in bimonthly issues, which will be printed and registered at the Consiglio dell'Ordine dei Giornalisti, at the Prefettura and Procura, in order to accomplish legal duties dealing with copyright. A newsletter, personally managed by the editor-in-chief, is linked to the journal itself and will point out the news on the site and on the e-journal.
It is possible to reach the journal contents by means of several search channels, since the journal itself is transfered to a remote database expressly programmed for on-line consultation: so the contents are traceable either through geographic macroareas of provenance, or through issue, identity elements, previously individualized keywords, or through a full text search.
Prof. Franco Carinci email: carinci@labourlaw.it
Prof. Maria Vittoria Ballestrero email: maballes@economia.unige.it
Prof. Catherine Barnard email: csb24@cam.ac.uk
Prof. Rolf Birk email: uk@iaaeg.uni-trier.de
Prof. Franco Carinci email: carinci@labourlaw.it
Prof. Wolfgang Däubler email: daeubler@uni-bremen.de
Prof. Mario Grandi  
Prof. Antoine Lyon Caen  
Prof. Michele Miscione email: miscione@labourlaw.it
Prof. Luigi Montuschi  
Prof. Enrico Pattaro email: pattaro@cirfid.unibo.it
Prof. Marcello Pedrazzoli email: pedrazzo@cirfid.unibo.it
Prof. Massimo Roccella  
Prof. Miguel Rodriguez Piñero  
Prof. Umberto Romagnoli email: uromagno@spbo.unibo.it
Prof. Carlo Zoli email: zoli@jus.unitn.it
Managing associate editor
Prof. Alberto Pizzoferrato  
Associate editors
Prof. Maria Paola Aimo email: mariapaola.aimo@cisi.unito.it
Prof. Giorgio Bolego email: bolego@alpha.jus.unitn.it
Dott. Sandra Liebmann email: sal@iaaeg.uni-trier.de
Dott. Pascal Lokiec email: Pascal.Lokiec@wanadoo.fr
Prof. Roberta Nunin email: r.nunin@tin.it
Dott. Anna Rivara email: rivara@economia.unige.it
Prof. Luca Sgarbi email: sgarbi@labourlaw.it

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© Copyright 1998-2001. Franco Carinci. All rights reserved.
Rivista edita, diretta e stampata, in conformità alle leggi n. 62/2001, n.47/1948 e n. 374/'39,
da Franco Carinci, via S. Margherita n. 2, Bologna.
Per commenti e suggerimenti scrivere a webmaster@labourlaw.it.
Bologna, Thu Apr 12 09:43:09 CEST 2001